About me
Passion led me here

Managing Director
I’ve been working to ensure products deliver value to millions of people. As digital product leader, I’ve helped C-suite leaders, brands, researchers, designers, and engineers deliver fast-growth products.
I’m passionate about aiding companies to build industry-disrupting products on a foundation of a shared vision, a customer-obsessed, and data-informed strategy.
I’m most at my best where extremely ambiguous user problems intersect with untapped business opportunities.
Every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years. As Tim O’Reilly said “What is coming at us is bigger than the original internet, and you need to understand it, get on board with it, and figure out how to transform your business.”
Companies who fail to evolve into customer-centric, value and product driven ones, are doomed to be named in one breath with Kodak, Blackberry, and Blockbuster.
To stay competitive, the need for exceptional Product Management is undeniable.
As a product professional, I am committed to the path of continuous self-improvement and mastery. Through relentless training and honing of my skills, I strive to become a better product ninja with each passing day.
I’m excited by the new development and opportunities it brings. To build truly customer focussed, and energized product organizations that push the borders of product stickiness and virality, and make churn vanish like a fart in the wind.
I am a product trailblazer, running 7 product identities on demand.
Things that make me "me":